As of December 16, 2024, we have 572 active Austin happy hour listings in the Zappy database. We are excited to share a an update we’ve made to the app that should improve the user experience.
Consolidated Map Pins
We’ve introduced consolidated map pins to make it easier to use the map view in Zappy. Previously, every place had its own pin on the map, regardless of how zoomed in/out you were. That made it look cool (“wow, look how many happy hours there are!”), but it was difficult to tap individual pins when looking at dense areas of the city with lots of happy hours. Now, we’ve grouped together places that are near each other, so you’ll see a single pin with a number, representing how many places are near that location. As you zoom into an area, consolidated pins turn into individual pins that you can tap through to see all the details for a single place.
We also improved clicking, centering, and other UX pieces of the map tool. We’re hopeful these changes makes it easier to tap around the map and find your perfect happy hour. This update is live in the Zappy web app now, and it’ll be rolled out to the mobile apps very soon.